Prostitutes Promised 3 Days Of Free Sex If Buhari Wins

As presidential elections in Nigeria coming closer the excitement among different segments of the population is growing. Even prostitutes did not remain indifferent, they promised all Nigerians three days of free sex if General Muhammadu Buhari wins.
Members of the National Association of Nigerian Prostitutes, NANP, called on Nigerians to vote out President Jonathan if they want changes and as a bonus they offered a three day sex for free. Such actions are believed to be caused by the PDP-led government’s attitude to the women who turned to prostitution only to make ends meet.
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The sex workers demand to stop their discrimination and ask for legal recognition of their trade as a job. They have repeatedly criticised the present government for social rejection, constant harassment by the police and deprivation of their rights as humang beings.
Several months ago a Nigerian prostitute Patoo Abraham who led other sex workers in a protest in Lagos for legalization of prostitution said, “Just as you are proud of your profession, that is how I am proud of mine. Just as you are respected for being a journalist, that is how I want to be respected.
READ ALSO: Prostitutes Take Over National Stadium In Lagos
People call us names but the funny thing is that they don’t even know if their wives, sisters or daughters are one of us. If I don’t tell you that I am a sex worker, you won’t know unless you see me here. Most of us are working as nurses in big hospitals, some are bankers and even students, but you won’t know.”
Although the information about three day free sex marathon is rather doubtful and yet to be confirmed, Nigerians took to Twitter to share their reactions.
